
Jul 12, 2012

Number of Pharaonic dynasties

The rule of the Pharaohs Egypt more than 3000 years
Department Maniton this period to 31 families, and family are the limits of the rulers who ruled from the same era began Azhar prehistoric and early dynastic period, which includes first and second families
Then the old state, a period in which built the ancient Egyptians Alahermat and after this era was the country's deterioration and collapse then Bdoasr new is the Middle Kingdom and includes two families 11 and 12 and the restored unity of the country then began the era of the Second Intermediate includes dynasties from 13 to 17, then began the era of their best times Pharaonic the era of the modern state, which has taken the country (good) the principal capital for them and enjoy this age of broadening of military and extension of the military annexation of dynastic 18-19 -20 and then the era of transition III and includes the dynasties from 21 to 25 after the Late Period and includes dynastic period of 26 to 31


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